Hi, I'm Dr. Kuehne

I am a primary care physician who focuses on preventive health.

I started this channel to help people make decisions in many aspects of day-to-day living that can significantly impact their health.
Many of the topics discussed here arise from questions my patients ask me.

Researching these issues in more depth often made me realize that what I was taught in medical school is not always correct or was never addressed.

Western medicine focuses on treating illness with pharmacologic or surgical means. Often illness is considered chronic and lifelong medicines are prescribed.

I believe this system is flawed. Our focus should be on preventing disease rather than having to treat it once it manifests.
This preventive approach requires us to take an active part in our own health.
Optimal health can be achieved by decreasing our exposure to toxins, replacing processed foods with fresh and wholesome ingredients, improving physical fitness, and lowering body fat.
Together we can come up with clear answers that simplify our decisions for our health today and in the years to come.

Medical Doctor

Dad & Husband


— JOnas Kuehne MD

Medicine used to be humble and cautious, admitting to its imperfections.
Now many medical professionals sound like TV advertisements. 
When you start with “we all know that…”, you make me nervous…

 About me

My goal is to attain optimal health and strength, motivated by my devotion to my family.

When people ask me why I became a doctor, I often reflect on my deep-rooted passion for helping others and my unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in people's lives.


Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to health. Having a deep understanding of our bodies, how they function, and what they need empowers us to make informed decisions that positively impact our well-being

I thoroughly enjoy the process of inventing new products. With multiple patents to my name, I not only conceive innovative ideas but also bring them to fruition through execution.

 Health is Our Biggest Wealth

If you're passionate about proactive health through nourishing foods, essential vitamins, and regular movement, you've found your home. Join me on this journey, and together, we can grow and learn.

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